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100Inclusive of all Taxes
Product Weight: 1/kg

Product Descripton:
Marvelz-G is an incredible organic fertilizer and plant growth regulator that works wonders for your plants. It's like a magic potion for your garden! Made from all-natural ingredients, Marvelz-G is a safe and eco-friendly choice for your organic gardening needs. It acts as a powerful plant growth enhancer, stimulating healthy and vigorous growth in your garden. Whether you're growing fruits, vegetables, or beautiful flowers, Marvelz-G is the ideal garden fertilizer. It enriches the soil with essential nutrients, acting as a soil nutrient supplement that your plants will love. Watch your garden thrive with this garden growth stimulant that provides a natural boost to your plants' growth. Embrace sustainable gardening with Marvelz-G and see your plants flourish like never before. Give your garden the care it deserves with Marvelz-G, the ultimate organic plant care solution!
Product Usage:

1. Dilute the recommended amount of Marvelz-G in water according to the instructions.

2. Apply the solution to the base of your plants, ensuring the roots get proper nourishment.

3. For potted plants, mix Marvelz-G with the soil during planting or use it as a top dressing.

4. Use Marvelz-G regularly to promote healthy plant growth and better yields.

5. Marvelz-G works wonders on various plants, including vegetables, fruits, and flowers.

Product Code:
Product Code - GD00019

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